Friday, December 9, 2016

Functional vs Object Oriented Programming

There are many programming model exists today such as Procedural Programming, Structural Programming,Event Driven Programming, Object Oriented Programming, Functional Programming and many more. In this tutorial, we will be focus on just two programming models.

Overview of Object Oriented Programming

In this model, there is a concept of Object which consists of set of data and operations on it.

The object is basically the blue print of any real thing such as aeroplane, car,chair, table, any living person and so on. Or object can be represents any conceptual term such as Company, Bank, Account,Customer and so on.

Each object will have attributes called data associated to it. And we can manipulate the data in the object using the method/operations defined in the it. This concept is called Data encapsulation.

Also, the object can inherit attributes and operations from other object. This terminology is called inheritance. For eg. Horse is a 'kind of' Animal. Therefore, it can inherit the data and operations from Animal.

Many programming language support object oriented model such as Java, C++, PHP,Python, Scala and many more.

Lets take a example of the Scala code wherein we will demonstrate a class called Account and inherited class Saving Account.

[code language="scala"]

class Account(val AccountId:String, var AccountBalance:Double,val CustomerName: String,val AccountType:String ="ACC") {

def accId=AccountId
def accBal=AccountBalance
def custName=CustomerName
def acctType=AccountType
def setacctType(bal:Double):Unit= {AccountBalance=bal}
override def toString() =
"" + accId + (if (accBal < 0) "" else "+") + accBal + custName+ "i"

[code language="scala"]


class SavingsAccount(AccountId:String, AccountBalance:Double, CustomerName: String,var MinimumBalance:Double,AccountType:String ="SAV") extends Account(AccountId,AccountBalance,CustomerName,AccountType){

def minBal=MinimumBalance

override def toString() =
"" + accId + (if (accBal < 0) "" else "+") + accBal + custName+minBal+ "i"



Overview of Functional Programming

In this model, the computation are evaluated as mathematical operations. Thus, output of the mathematical function f(x) depends only on the input data 'x'  and not any external variables.  For same input data 'x' there should be same output irrespective of the number of times the function is executes.

The mathematical function can be defined as high order function, lambda function, pure function, recursive function and many more.

Mostly, the programming language is hybrid of one or more models. The programming languages that support functional programming are Lisp, Scala, Clojure ,Standard ML.

Lets take the example of Scala code to define mathematical function

High order function: In this function can be passed as a parameter to a function as shown below

[code language="scala"]

def cube(a:Int):Int={
return a*a*a

def sum(f:Int=>Int,a:Int):Int={
if(a<=0) return 0

//Now,execute the method as sum of cube



Recursive function

[code language="scala"]

//Recursive function
def fibonacci(a:Int):Int={
if(a <= 0) return 0
if ( a == 1) return 1
else return fibonacci(a-1)+fibonacci(a-2)

//Now, execute function and get fabonacci series



Difference between two with an example

We now understand some computation problem which can be solved using OOPs concept and some using functional based programming.

Suppose we have a list and we need to compute the total deposit of the bank.

In Object Oriented approach, we will loop through the list of account and find the results as shown below(using Scala Language)

[code language="scala"]

//Call the above method using for loop as shown below
var accList=List(new Account("Acc1",100,"XXX1"),new SavingsAccount("Sav",500,"XXX1",250))

var sum:Double = 0
for(i<-0 to accList.length-1){



In Functional programming approach, we can call list function "foldLeft" to perform operations on list.

[code language="scala"]

print(accList.foldLeft(0.0){(z,f)=> z+f.accBal})


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