Monday, January 9, 2023

Running Machine Learning Pipelines on Vertex AI


We can run the Machine Learning Pipeline on Kubernetes locally on Minikube. The KFP can be compile and executed on Vertex AI.

Write Kubeflow Pipeline

We will create a basic pipeline, compile it using KFP SDK.

import os

import kfp
from kfp import dsl
from kfp.v2 import compiler
from kfp.v2.dsl import component

def hello_world(text: str) -> str:
    return text

@dsl.pipeline(name='hello-world', description='A simple intro pipeline')
def pipeline_hello_world(text: str = 'hi there'):
    """Pipeline that passes small pipeline parameter string to consumer op."""

    consume_task = hello_world(
        text=text)  # Passing pipeline parameter as argument to consumer op

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # execute only if run as a script
    print("Compiling Pipeline")

We can save the pipeline to We can compile this pipeline to  hello_world_pipeline.json .

$ python
Compiling Pipeline

Run Pipeline on Vertex-AI

We will run on Vertex-AI Pipeline

Click on Create Run

Choose Upload File and then navigate thello_world_pipeline.json  path. Choose the default SA from Advanced Options.

Create a GCS bucket and provide the access to Default SA on it. Click Submit.

After few minutes the pipeline will be executed with status succeeded with Green Tick Symbol ✅

The output will also be available on GCS.

Click or download the file, it will have below output message.

Please post your queries below.

Happy Coding !

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